How Does Drain Cleaner Work

What is drain cleaning

Ever wondered how drain cleaners work? Learn how drain cleaners work and what the science is behind them.

In just five years, New York City has spent $18,000,000 to combat sewer back-ups. 71% were caused by grease. Fort Wayne, Indiana spends $500,000 per year to combat the same problem. The problem is growing across the United States.

A blockage in the bathroom or kitchen sink doesn’t have to be as difficult or expensive to fix! Chemical cleaners are a popular choice, even though there are many other options, such as the plumbing snake drain cleaning tool or the classic plunger.

How does drain cleaner actually work? Is it possible to make a natural, homemade drain cleaner? Continue reading to find out the answers to all of these questions!

What Causes Blockages?

No matter where it is located, a blocked sink is always inconvenient. Even minor blockages and buildups can cause an unpleasant smell. Understanding the different types of drains will help you choose the best drain cleaner.

Kitchen Sink

Due to the volume of solid and semi-solid waste that is expected to flow through your sink, it tends to be bigger than your bathroom sink. Some of the most common substances that cause a clog are:

  • Leftover food
  • Grease
  • Hair
  • Coffee grinder
  • Eggshells
  • Paper or plastic bits

The grease in the kitchen sink can build up to a point where other objects get stuck in it. The clog will take up more and more space until it blocks the water flow.

Bathroom Sink

This can include: This includes:

  • Hair
  • Skin cells
  • Dirt or body grease
  • Nail clippings
  • Phlegm
  • Oils in hygiene products
  • Band-aids

The natural accumulation of grease and oils in your kitchen sink can lead to obstructions and blockages.

Drain Cleaning Clearwater FL

What Is the Function of Drain Cleaner?

The chemical reaction is what will unclog a drain. There are three types of chemical reactions that can be used to unclog a drain.

  • Acids
  • Caustics
  • Oxidizers

Some drain cleaners are more effective than others for certain types of blockages due to their differences in the way they work. Understanding the science will help you choose the right drain cleaner for your house.


It is unlikely that you will find acidic drain cleaner in your local store. These drain cleaners contain high concentrations either of hydrochloric acid or sulfuric acids, which can lead to severe burns and eye damage, as well as being toxic when inhaled.

Acid hydrolysis is the reaction that occurs between the acid and water. The water is heated by adding hydronium ions, which are derived from the cleaner solution. This heat melts any material that is blocking the drain including hair, grease and food.

Sometimes, plumbers use an acidic cleaner to clear large blockages. This is usually a last resort. The chemicals can be harmful to humans, and they can also damage drains because the substance reacts dangerously with certain metals.


Most commonly, drain cleaners that oxidize are used. The substance is usually a mixture of nitrates (or peroxides), sodium hypochlorite, or bleach. The substance adds electrons to the chemical structure of the organic material that is blocking the drain.

This reaction creates heat and gas which break down the organic matter. This reaction adds mass to all the remaining components. They will then move around in the pipes more easily and can be washed out.

The strength of the reaction will depend on the amount of oxidizing agents present in the cleaner, as well as the time spent applying it and the materials that it interacts with within the drain. Standard bleaches typically contain only 5.25% sodium chlorite. This is a weak solution.

When used correctly, oxidizing drain cleaners are a safe choice. It sinks in water because of its weight, so it can reach your drain even if it is completely blocked.


These drain cleaners are often in solid form. These drain cleaners contain sodium hydroxide, which has two functions.

First, the substance produces hydrogen gas as it reacts with aluminum and water. As bases, the substances lose electrons when they come into contact with the blockage. It is especially noticeable when grease takes on a soapy substance and becomes easier to dissolve.

Caustic agents sink because they are heavier than water. They can be as strong as acid in high concentrations. Most household brands contain only small amounts in order to make them as safe and as effective as possible.

Enzyme Drain Cleaner

But not all cleaners are chemically based. If you choose to use a chemical cleaner, it can cause damage to your drains. An enzyme drain cleaner is a better, safer alternative.

How does drain cleaner function without a chemical response?

Combinations of enzymes, bacteria, and bacterial cultures consume the organic material found in the drain. As a result, mold, food, and hair will be degraded. The bacteria will spread and divide as they digest the substances.

Homemade Cleaner

Most drain blockages don’t form overnight. By the time the water doesn’t drain, the buildup has already begun.

It is important to regularly remove the grease, hairs, food, and other sludges from your drains to maintain their functionality. If you do not want to pay for expensive enzyme or chemical cleaners, try making your drain cleaner.

Two ingredients are all you need:

  • Baking soda, 1/2 cup
  • 1 cup of vinegar

Pour the baking soda down the drain. Let it sit for a few seconds and then pour the vinegar over the top. Add more vinegar if you see any baking soda chunks on top of the drain.

This reaction produces bubbles and oxygen. It will erode any trapped grease as it runs down the drain. After about 10 minutes, run the hot water for a few seconds to remove all of it.

Let’s Clean Some Drains

Call (727) 350-6769 today to schedule an appointment with Clog Kings LLC if you are having trouble unclogging a drain or if you have any other plumbing, heating, or air issues that you cannot fix yourself.