Can a Drain Snake Break a Pipe

Can a drain snake break a pipe

Can a drain snake break a pipe? Drain snakes, also known as plumbing augers, are a popular tool for clearing clogs in pipes. They come in various sizes and shapes, and homeowners often use them to unclog their sinks, toilets, and other drain lines. However, some people hesitate to use them because they’re concerned that the snake could break their pipes. 

Drain augers can exacerbate the issue if not used correctly. Incorrect use could make the obstruction even worse.

You Can Snake a Drain

It would be best to twist a wire or plastic coil into the blockage to snake a drain. The drain snake will pull it out of the pipe or break up any obstruction so water can flow. Drain snakes typically feature either an eye hook or claw for grasping blockages.

Drain drills come in various sizes and features that affect their performance and comfort.

Snake Size

It is essential to use the correct size auger for your drain. Otherwise, the snake could loop back around itself and scrape against the drain if not secured correctly, leading to leaks or coercion.

These are the main types of drain snakes based on size

  • Top Snakes
  • Toilet augers
  • Mini-rooters
  • Large drain machines

Top snakes are handheld plumbing augers that can clear minor clogs. Usually made of plastic, these snakes can be compacted down to no more than 25 feet long for convenience.

When unclogging a toilet drain, the correct tool is essential. Toilet augers are designed to easily slide down the toilet drain’s protective coating and porcelain surface.

Toilet pipes tend to be larger, so metal augers must be strong enough to remove the blockage. Furthermore, unique mechanisms are employed to protect the porcelain surface of toilet drainage systems from damage.

Mini-rooters are slightly smaller than top snakes but large enough for drain augering jobs. They typically consist of metal and may use motors to propel their snaking mechanism down the pipe.

Large augers are the most effective and expensive way to clear clogs, though they cannot be purchased by plumbers and should only be used for industrial purposes.

Additional Auger Features

When deciding whether you can handle the clog yourself, please look at the snake’s length. Generally speaking, twenty-five feet is standard for most basic snakes; however, consumer models can reach up to 50 feet.

You may need to contact a plumber if you can’t reach the clog with a 25-foot snake. Since dislodging larger objects requires special machinery, such as an impact driver, you may need professional assistance.

Finally, power sources come into play. Hand-powered augers for minor impacts work fine; however, battery-operated snakes offer more torque than manual effort alone.

Snakes may need to be more powerful to unclog your drain, and heavy-duty drain snake that rely on electricity may break your pipe if not used correctly.


Drain snakes can cause injury to users if they are unfamiliar with their functions. To safely use an electric drain snake, you will need more expertise.

Losing control of any of these machines could prove hazardous. Please ensure you are confident using them; a professional can help you fully understand their capabilities.

The Age of Your Pipes

When planning for DIY pipe unclogging, you should consider the age of your pipes. Older drainage systems might have zinc-coated drains to prevent galvanized pipes from rusting, but this coating can become damaged and lead to corrosion.

  • Chips from your pipes’ interior could cause a blockage and further damage, potentially compounding the problem.
  • Older pipes may also malfunction, so it’s essential to remember this when dealing with older homes.
  • The coating is at risk; some augers can even completely disassemble pipes.

Benefits of Hiring A Professional

Sometimes, blockages can form deep within piping systems and are impossible to access with simple snakes from the hardware store. Professionals use hydro jetting or high-pressure water streams to get around obstacles.

Pipe cleaners can also completely clear away any buildup in your pipes, restoring them to full flow. They’re safer than augers since high-pressure water won’t damage your pipes.

Tree roots or other larger obstructions could cause a clog. An experienced plumber can clear away these obstacles.

Plumbing professionals can help clear the blockage and ensure your pipes remain intact. If they identify potential issues, they may suggest reconstructing the lines if needed. If drains have become severely corrupted or damaged, replacement or relining may be recommended by plumbing specialists.

A professional can identify the source of any blockage. A frequent issue could be due to insufficient water flow through pipes.

Select the Ideal Course of Action

Once you’ve identified the most advantageous course of action, it’s time to decide how best to execute it.

Now that you understand how to snake a drain and the tools necessary for the job, you can decide whether hiring an expert or doing it yourself is worth it. Simple augers should clear most minor clogs; make sure your tools are up to the job so as not to become overwhelmed.

Schedule a FREE Quote

If you’re dealing with clogged drains, it’s time to call in the experts at Clog Kings! Our professional drain cleaning services utilize the latest techniques, including hydro jetting, to effectively and safely clear out any clogs and keep your plumbing system in top condition. 

Clog Kings has been serving Tampa for years, helping unclog drains and maintain your pipes’ integrity. Our team uses only the latest equipment to take on any plumbing issue you may face. If you need assistance with unclogging drains, Clog Kings is happy to help! Call us today!

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We understand that plumbing issues can be stressful, and that’s why we work tirelessly to provide fast and reliable solutions that get your plumbing system back up and running in no time. So why wait? Call Clog Kings today to schedule your clog removal service and experience the difference of working with the best in the business!