How to Choose a Water Filter System

How to Choose a Water Filter System

Water supplies all over the world contain industrial chemicals such as PFCs and heavy metals. In our increasingly polluted environment, we must protect ourselves and our families. A good water filter is a relatively inexpensive investment that will make your water safer. Find out more about how to choose a water filter system and what you should know to improve the quality of your water and make informed decisions.

Be Aware of Your Water Supply

When choosing a filter for your water, it’s important to consider what you want to remove. There are three good ways to determine how to choose a water filter system.

The Environmental Working Group (EWG), a non-profit organization, conducts municipal water testing.

You can search the database of tap water maintained by the Environmental Working Group in the US. The EWG, based on the results of over 20,000,000 tests conducted in more than 47,000 American cities, reports that water utilities across the country have detected over 300 pollutants. Over half of these chemicals have no regulation. Despite the widespread contamination, federal resources are not allocated to protect rivers, reservoirs, and groundwater.

According to previous testing, a third of American drinking water contains lead, and 75% contains chromium-6. Others contain forever chemicals called PFAS.

Unknowingly, hundreds of millions of people consume these harmful compounds each day. Like public water supplies, well water is susceptible to contamination by urban and farm runoff, seepage from septic tanks and landfills, and other contaminants.

How to Choose a Water Filter System


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Water Utilities Issue Water Quality Reports

In the US and some parts of Canada, most water utilities and suppliers publish a water quality report every year. You will learn about the chemicals used to disinfect the water and the contaminants that are present in it. A home water test can provide you with more information. Your water may have picked up other contaminants along the way.

Tests On Water In the Home

Consider a water test at home if you want to know exactly what your water is made of. This test can be used to check if your water is contaminated with harmful bacteria, pesticides, or chemicals such as chlorine, nitrates, and nitrites. This test will reveal the pH and hardness of your water. You should test your private well water twice a year. This can be done by sending the sample to a lab in your area or performing a simple test at home. The home water test will check for the same elements as the city test, plus iron and copper.

How to Choose a Water Filter System

Consider which filters will remove the contaminants in your water once you have determined what they are. There are some guidelines that you can follow, even though the filters will vary based on their make and manufacture.

Pitcher Filter

If you have been using a pitcher to filter your water, you may want to check the fine print. Pitcher filters are only effective in reducing a few contaminants, such as chlorine. Plus, the water is sitting in the plastic pitcher for a long time and could pick up chemicals. Although inexpensive, pitchers only improve the taste and smell of water. They do not remove many contaminants. The simple filters found in refrigerators that dispense water also waste electricity and remove only a small number of contaminants.

Faucet-Mount Filter

Filters mounted on faucets can remove some contaminants. Be sure to check the fine print and make sure that they are removing exactly what you want. Filter performance can vary widely. Although faucet-mount filters can be easily changed without any special skills, you should consider how effective the filter is

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Countertop Water Filter

Countertop filters are smaller and take up less space. They can be gravity-fed or connected to the faucet. Both do not require a plumber’s installation. A filter that is connected to your waterline has the advantage of not requiring you to constantly refill a container. Gravity-fed filters are a good investment as they can be used to purify water even in emergency situations. If there is a power failure, the municipal water supply will not be able to maintain pressure. Well pumps won’t work without an alternative energy source.

Countertop filters are also very easy to maintain and require no special tools. Water Filter takes less than 10 minutes. It may be necessary only after several months or even years depending on the amount of sediment in the water. Replacement filters are about $160 each and can filter up to 3,000 gallons. Berkey Lights are also BPA-free and portable. They can be taken on camping trips or placed on a deck during the summer.

Under Sink Filter

Undersink filters are a good option when there is limited counter space. They also don’t require refilling, unlike countertop filters that are plumbed in. Undersink filters, like their countertop counterparts, may not be effective in emergency situations.

Reverse Osmosis

Reverse osmosis (RO) water filter system is not only expensive but they waste water as well – up to 3 gallons per gallon! They also rely on electricity and won’t work if the power goes off. They also remove minerals that are beneficial and some believe can cause health problems when RO water is used long-term.

Shower Filter

Even our shower water might need to be filtered. Your shower water contains the chlorine that your water supplier uses to disinfect it. As you turn on the shower, chlorine is released into the air and absorbed by your skin. Airborne compounds such as chloramines, chloroform, and other compounds that are often found in treated water may also be present. Shower filters can help remove chlorine. Note: If your water provider uses chloramines to disinfect the water, then you will need to use a shower filter that removes this. The annual water quality report will mention the disinfectant used.

Some speculate that these airborne compounds could affect our microbiomes. These are the trillions and trillions of microbes on or in us, which help us to stay healthy. The addition of something to water that kills microbes could also harm beneficial bacteria in our intestines and on our skin. A shower filter can remove these potentially dangerous substances, and it also has an added benefit: removing chlorine from the water will make your hair and skin feel softer.

Whole House Water Filter

Filtering all water entering your home is a good idea for those who want to avoid contaminants and chlorine in the air. Imagine the steam rising up from your dishwasher. You wouldn’t want to breathe in the chlorine or chloramines from your hot shower.

A whole-house filter will remove some contaminants as the water enters your home, but it won’t remove as many as a drinking-water filter. It is therefore important to have both a drinking-water filter and a whole-house filter. Quality whole-house filters can be expensive but are worth it if you want to reduce your exposure to chloramines or chlorine.

What Is Fluoride?

Fluoride, which is added to water in most North American cities to prevent tooth decay, has been proven to be effective. Recent research has questioned the effectiveness of fluoride in preventing cavities and also pointed out other effects that are not desirable. These include reduced IQ, developmental neurotoxicity, and other negative effects. Few industrialized nations add fluoride to their water supply in the name of better health.

Only special filters are able to remove fluoride. Berkey Light will soon have a fluoride removal option that can be attached to the regular Berkey purification component. The reverse osmosis system will also remove the fluoride. However, they do have certain disadvantages.

Do Not Be Fooled Into Purchasing Bottled Water

Some consumers are mistakenly convinced that buying bottles of water is safer than drinking straight from the faucet. Bottled water has a high ecological cost, but it’s also contaminated with municipal tap water. Water is stored in plastic for a long time, where it absorbs compounds that are not well understood and may be harmful to human health. Quality water filters are not only healthier but also less harmful to the environment.

Learn how to choose a water filter system and what is in the water you drink and take steps to make it healthier for yourself and your family.


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