Is It Time For A New Hot Water Heater?

Is It Time For A New Hot Water Heater?

Are you hearing strange sounds coming from your water heaters? Experts from Clog Kings LLC suggest that there are a few indicators that can help you determine when it is time to search for a new hot water heater.

  1. Age Factor

Even the most expensive water heaters may last for a decade. If the water heater is properly installed, maintained regularly, and of good quality, it can last for a few more years. You should be looking at what’s available on the market once your water heater has been running for more than ten years.

Here’s a quick and easy way to verify the age of your water heater if you don’t have the invoice.

Are you unsure of the heater’s age or if it was included with your house at the time of your move in? It is best to verify the serial number. The serial number can be found on the label on the appliance. You can enter the serial number on the manufacturer’s site and view the details about the model you have.

  1. You Hear Strange Noises

The water heater may be slowly failing if you hear rumbling or banging sounds. The reason is that sediments from the water flowing through the heater build up at the bottom of your tank and begin to harden. It is best to look for a replacement model to ensure you are ready in case it fails.

  1. Rusty Water Comes Out of The Tap

Your water heater will get more rusty over time. You will notice rust in your water pipes and faucets over time. When you heat the water, the rust color will intensify. Rust can cause damage to the water heater’s inner tank.

If you have pipes made of metal, rust can also form. Drain all water from the heater to determine the source. Two to three buckets should be taken out of the tank. If the water buckets are all stained with rust, it is a rusted tank.

  1. Too Little Warm Water

It is likely that your system is in dire need of replacement if you run out of warm water in a short time. No longer are you required to turn on the heater and wait until the water heats up. The market is flooded with tankless water heaters, which can supply hot water to your family without waiting for it to heat up.

The tank’s capacity to hold water is greatly reduced when sediments build up. If you feel that the water temperature isn’t as high as it should be, check the thermostat settings. The thermostat setting of a heater below 140 degrees F might not heat enough water. Turn the thermostat up and see if the water temperature increases. If there is no hot water, check the circuit breaker and the pilot light of the appliance to make sure that the unit is powered.

  1. Water Is Leaking From Your Unit

Water heater leakage is a serious matter. Call a plumber immediately if you begin to notice water leakage from your heater or if you find water puddles. The water heater’s metal tank is constantly expanding and contracting. This phenomenon causes small cracks and holes to form over time. You are at risk of your tank bursting.

The heater’s metal tank can expand, which can cause cracks in its inner tank. This can allow water to seep through and damage your floor, walls, and furniture. You can fix leakage from the fittings or form pipes. However, damage to the tank will require you to buy a new water heater.

  1. Hot Water Has a Strong Odor

Does your hot water smell strange? This is because the metal in the tank starts to flake off and mix with the hot water, giving it a metallic taste and smell.

  1. A New Unit Can Be More Affordable

If you find yourself calling in service professionals to fix your water heater, it’s a sign that you should investigate the options available and consider buying a new hot water heater. Regular and emergency plumbing services are expensive. It will be surprising how affordable it was to replace the appliance with a newer model after the initial few calls.


It is possible to avoid disasters by keeping an eye on your water heater’s condition and age. To avoid any disruption or disturbance caused by a broken water heater, all you have to do is be alert. It is important to always look out for experienced plumbers that can quickly attend to any plumbing problems. Call Clog Kings LLC today for annual maintenance if you don’t have it. Make sure you have emergency Plumbing numbers in case you need them. If you need somebody to help you install a new hot water heater call today!