Six Tips to Save Money on Plumbing Remodeling

plumbing remodeling

Remodeling your bathroom can be costly. On average, it costs $5300. The cost of remodeling your home shouldn’t stop you from making the changes that will make your home look great. Here are some tips to help you reduce your plumbing remodeling expenses.

  1. Plan the Plumbing Remodeling Beforehand

It will be cheaper to schedule your work in advance than hiring emergency services for remodeling. It is a good idea to call Clog Kings before you start your remodel so that we have time to assess your needs.

We can also help you with your remodeling needs. We can provide cost-effective, highly functional solutions. You can also request a quote to get an estimate of the total project cost. This will help you plan better.

  1. Do Not Interfere with the Load-Bearing Walls

Load-bearing walls refer to walls that support the roof and upper floors of your home. Renovating your home that involves moving these walls can be costly.

Consider limiting your remodeling to non-load bearing walls if your current plan is a hindrance to load-bearing walls. Non-load bearing walls are simple to move and remove.

  1. Instead of Replacing Them, You Can Refinish Some Elements

Remodeling costs can often be increased by replacing the plumbing fixtures with newer ones. This could also require construction changes or demolitions depending on the scope of the project.

You can identify which items don’t require replacement. Consider whether you are replacing them for aesthetic or practical reasons. You can make the fixtures more attractive if they are still functional but not appealing.

You can, for example, refinish your bathtub to save money on bathroom remodeling. Refinishing is also an eco-friendly option.

  1. Do Not Change the Current Plumbing Footprint

Plan your renovation so that you can keep the existing plumbing footprint. Your plumbing costs will increase if you change the layout or footprint.

Vent stacks or changing the location of pipes can be more labor-intensive and require more time. As such, it is best to keep your plumbing intact while you remodel.

  1. Keep the Electrical Circuits Around Plumbing Fixtures in Good Condition

Remodeling fixtures often requires wiring upgrades in order to comply with electrical code standards. To avoid having to alter the electrical circuit, choose models that have a lower electricity demand when replacing fixtures.

The average cost of changing electrical circuits in your home is $2100. Keep the current circuit intact if you can. 

Consider retaining your current wiring if it is safe, functional, and meets your current requirements.

  1. Use Crimp-Fit Couplings Instead of Push-Fit When Doing Your Plumbing Remodeling

Couplings connect two pipes and keep them in place. There are two main types of couplings: push-fit and crimp-fit.

Crimp-fit couplings are made from a copper ring, which is placed over the pipes and held in place by a crimping device. A push-fit coupling, on the other hand, doesn’t require any equipment. The plumber will need to simply push the pipes together. Although push-fit couplings can be used with no tools and are more convenient than crimp couplings, they will still cost more.

Before you make any purchase, contact Clog Kings to see if they will need multiple couplings. While push-fit couplings can be used for small projects they can increase the cost of the raw materials needed for larger projects.

Are you looking for plumbing remodeling ideas? Get competitive rates on plumbing services and products from Clog Kings today!