Top 9 Plumbing Mistakes to Avoid

Top 9 Plumbing Mistakes to Avoid

Top 9 Plumbing Mistakes to Avoid

Have you heard the top 9 plumbing mistakes to avoid? Or, ye’ve seen everything. From the smallest plumbing problems to the most extreme plumbing catastrophes. Did you know that the majority of plumbing issues are caused by homeowners? Most plumbing problems are caused by carelessness and poor maintenance.

This blog post will talk about top 9 plumbing mistakes to avoid. The most common plumbing mistakes that we see people making.

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You Can Save Your Pipes by Avoiding These 9 Plumbing Mistakes

It’s not rocket science to take care of your property’s Plumbing System, and manage your water consumption habits. You might be surprised at how many Sacramento home and business owners make harmful mistakes every day. If left unattended, these mistakes can snowball and become major plumbing catastrophes.

Knowing these mistakes will help you avoid the consequences of making them and ensure that your plumbing is running smoothly.

Do Not Turn off the Water

It’s easy to forget that turning off the water is the first step of any plumbing project. When water pours out of a loose connection or sprays after a fixture has been removed, many “easy” projects turn into costly disasters.

When you can find the valve quickly, shutting off the water will be much easier. However, if you are already experiencing water on the floor or in the walls, each minute you spend looking for it could cause further damage to your plumbing.

Remember that turning off the water source does not automatically remove any water in the pipes. Drain the pipes by turning on the bathroom or kitchen faucets for several seconds.

Ignoring Signs of Plumbing Failure

The worst thing that you can do for your plumbing system is to ignore the warning signs. Ignoring the warnings of a pipe break or other plumbing issues will only lead to these problems developing and result in increased repair costs. You should be aware of the following signs that indicate a plumbing issue: persistent clogging of pipes, lawn indents and poor water pressure.

Do not ignore or forget these signs! Acting quickly can help you to minimize damage and the cost of future repairs. We see many major plumbing damage cases that are the result of negligence. These damages can be avoided with proper care.

Unsafe Drainage

One of the most common plumbing mistakes we see in Sacramento is how homeowners treat their waste pipes, drains and garbage disposers. By disposing of food, grease and trash, you can cause drain blockages, long-term damage and clogs.

You should never put any of the following in your garbage disposal.

  • Animal bones
  • Silverware
  • Plastics
  • Garbage
  • It is a good idea to use
  • Cooking grease
  • Oils

It is best to clean your garbage disposal semi-regularly with ice and water. This will help remove any food particles that can cause problems. It’s important to run your garbage disposal frequently, because rust can accumulate and develop if you leave it alone for a long time.

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Chemical Cleaners

A common plumbing error is to use chemical cleaning products without reason in order to remove drain clogs. While these products are an effective emergency solution to minor clogging or grime, they can damage your pipes over time. The chemical reactions which make them work can cause inner pipe walls to erode and can even be dangerous in certain conditions.

We recommend using less toxic remedies, like vinegar and baking soda, or even hot water to flush. When used in your plumbing system, chemical cleaners are counterproductive. Instead, choose safer, equally effective alternatives.

Do Not Rely On DIY Solutions

It’s not recommended to try to fix your plumbing yourself if you don’t have any experience.

You can cause more damage to your plumbing by taking DIY measures that are beyond your capabilities. Call a plumber for help if you are uncomfortable trying to fix a plumbing problem on your own. Professional repairs are often much faster and cheaper than DIY fixes. If you try to do large-scale DIY repairs in plumbing, it can increase your costs if you use the wrong tools and take apart the wrong pipe fixtures.

Pipes That Are Not Compatible

Modern plumbing uses a variety of piping materials. It can be difficult for a do-it-yourselfer to decide which pipe material to use. Using specialized connectors, some of these pipes can also be connected together. However, this is rarely the best option and poses a risk of leakage. Some pipes should never be mixed.

Most people will “make it fit” by fumbling together mismatched connectors and filling in the gaps with silicone or tape. Plumbers all have horror stories of finding tangled pipes or leaks under sinks or behind drywall. If you can, replace the old pipes instead of trying to connect them with a new type of pipe.

Over-Tightening Connections

This is another common problem that seems to be counterintuitive. The majority of people are aware that the plumbing connections must be watertight. They may not realize that most connections are already watertight, and so they tighten the connection to make it “more waterproof.”

This can often damage the fittings, and even break the washers or rubbers that were used to create the seal. A tightening that is too extreme can damage the fittings and strip pipe threads.

Don’t force the connection past this point. Over-tightening can be a headache for anyone who needs to replace the fitting. If you try to loosen a connection that is too tight, it can cause damage. The pipe may snap or the fittings will wear down so much that they cannot be removed without cutting the pipe.

Skip Maintenance Checks

The above mistakes cannot compensate for negligence. A vast majority of major problems in plumbing can be prevented with regular and annual inspections. You can do a lot of the work yourself. For example, you can check your plumbing and diagnose any problems by checking your water meter.

This does not mean that you should stop having professional inspections. We recommend that you have a professional inspect your plumbing system at least once a year. Their trained eyes will be able to detect problems earlier and more accurately.

Do Not Seek Professional Help

This leads us to the most common plumbing mistake: not getting professional help. Calling a local plumber and getting an expert to inspect and renovate your plumbing system will cost money, but it’s cheaper than ignoring or attempting doomed DIY fixes.

Call Us Now

Now you know the top 9 plumbing mistakes to avoid. Contact a professional if you are in over your heads with pipe damage or DIY repairs that have failed. The worst mistake you can make when it comes to plumbing is not getting help as soon as you need it or delaying calling an expert. Do not make these plumbing mistakes. Take care of your pipes and drains, and contact a professional if necessary.

Contact Clog Kings to learn more about the proper maintenance of your plumbing.

Fix Your Plumbing System Today

These tips will save your home piping system from further harm. You can rely on Clog Kings to provide reliable and fast plumbing solutions. We will work with your schedule to ensure a hassle-free service.

Our Other Services

Clog King’s plumbers strive to provide great customer service from start to finish. Our services include:

Don’t let these problems disrupt your daily routine or cause further damage to your property! Take charge and call the royal experts at Clog Kings for top-notch plumbing solutions. Contact us today!


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