What Are Common Toilet Problems?

Common toilet problems

There are many common toilet problems you might encounter when using your toilet. Your toilet might run, it might leak, or it might flush poorly. You can fix some of these problems yourself — but do you really want to? Here are some things to look out for and consider if you want to hire a plumber.

Toilet Won’t Stop Running

You might be able to locate the cause of your toilet running quickly by removing the tank’s lid and inspecting the inside. An overflow valve that is not working properly, a defective flapper chain, or a broken flush valve could cause a constantly running toilet. A faulty flapper is another common problem. Press your finger on the flapper’s edges. If the toilet does not flush, it is likely that your flapper seal has failed. You can do this easily at home.

Toilet Won’t Flush

If a toilet won’t flush, it is most likely that the tank water level or clogs are to blame. Low water levels can be corrected by checking the flush valve or float arm. If the blockage is not too severe, you can use a plunger to unblock it.

Loose Flush Handle

The flush handle can become loose, stuck, or broken from constant use. Sometimes, just adjusting the handle can solve the problem. It is easy and inexpensive to replace the flush handle.

Cracked Toilet Seat

It takes only a few minutes to replace a toilet seat. You can remove the bolts that hold the toilet seat together by simply unscrewing them. You should measure the size of your current toilet seat before you buy a replacement. They come in two sizes.

Toilet Flushes Very Slow

If the toilet flushes very slowly, it could be that the rinse jets beneath the rim are clogged with minerals. You can easily clean the clogged holes with a mirror, a coat hanger, or small brush. It is important to clean the rinse jets regularly in order to avoid mineral deposits forming.

Clogged Toilets 

A plunger for toilets may be sufficient to clear minor clogs. A toilet plunger that has an extension flange can be purchased with the bell-shaped rubber end. These toilet plungers are more compatible with toilets, so they can deliver a stronger plunge and clear a blockage faster.

Strange Noises

If your toilet is not in use, it shouldn’t make gurgling sounds. A plunger may clear a minor clog. If this doesn’t work, contact a plumber. You could end up with more serious problems if you try to clear a larger blockage on your own.

Toilet Leaks

Water leakages should be fixed quickly. Leaked wastewater can cause damage to your bathroom floors and pose a risk to your health. The first step is to locate the source of the leak. Water supply line leaks are different from those at the toilet’s bottom or at the tank connecting to the bowl. These are the most common areas where leaks occur:

  • The nut that holds the valve in place
  • The connection to the water supply line
  • The base of the toilet
  • Weak or deteriorated tank-to-bowl connections

Is It Time to Replace an Old Toilet?

A professional plumber may be able to replace an old toilet if you experience recurring issues with it. Toilets account for approximately one-third of American households’ water consumption. Toilets made before 1994 can use as much as 7 gallons per flush. You can replace an inefficient toilet with a modern, water-saving one. This can save you significant money. Most households save around $140 annually.

Trusted Plumbing Pros

While we have some solutions to common toilet problems, sometimes a professional plumber will be needed. Clog Kings can help you if you have recurring clogs or leaks. No matter how small or large the problem may be, our trained plumbers can solve it. Call us today!